Young children learn writing at their desk in a primary school, Ghana.

The impact of the language of instruction on foundational literacy and transitions

July 1, 2024
Two primary school children colouring in class, Sri Lanka.

Development, education and learning in Sri Lanka: an international research journey

June 26, 2024
A girl in the classroom in Mali raises her hand to answer a question from the teacher.

Harnessing implementation science to drive educational transformation in sub-Saharan Africa

June 24, 2024
Female teacher ini a bright orange robe, stands at the blackboard in a classroom for the Kano Literacy and Mathematics Accelerator (KaLMA) project, Kano State, Nigeria.

Arguing for a language-focused approach to support socio-emotional learning and wellbeing

June 18, 2024
Teacher at the front of a class holding up her fingers to a class of young students at Al Amal School, set up by the refugee-led organisation Multi-Aid Programs in a refugee camp in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, 20 October 2020.

Why host country education for refugees isn’t a magical solution

June 17, 2024
A female Syrian refugee walking across refugee camp in Jordan.

Why is language critical in education during crises?

June 12, 2024