On 21 June 2021, UKFIET convened an online event to discuss the generation and use of evidence-based recommendations for addressing real-world educational challenges at scale. We heard perspectives from Global Education Evidence Advisory Panel (GEEAP) members and academics and practitioners in the UKFIET and wider education-evidence constituencies.

Summary blog

A summary blog with highlights of the discussion can be found here:
Debating what evidence counts and how to ensure more voices are heard: highlights from UKFIET event

Call for evidence

If you have research or studies that would be useful for the GEEAP to consider, either for the next iteration of the cost-effectiveness study or for their next report, please share them in this google docs form. The focus of the next report is the COVID-19 response and the interventions most effective to help children catch up on learning, especially for the most marginalised and disadvantaged.


Videos of the event

Two videos from the event are available here. The first is of presentations given by Dr Ben Piper, Global Education Evidence Advisory Panel (GEEAP) member, Noam Angrist, Co-founder of Young 1ove, and Dr Rachel Hinton, Senior Education Advisor at the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).


The second video is of the rich discussion that followed the presentations. Several academic and practitioner panellists gave their response to the presentations. This was then followed by a wider discussion involving participants, including within the Chat function.



The online platform provided an automated transcript of the full event. We provide here an excerpt of the discussion section.

Padlet summary

During the event, we asked participants for examples of evidence into policy flows, as well as recommendations of how to build more prominence for research, particularly from Southern researchers. The questions asked are listed here:

  • Name one example of where a government has used evidence for policy/ programme reform.
  • What innovative ways have you used to share evidence with governments and for which programmes?
  • What can be done to increase prominence of research/ evidence by Southern researchers?

We used the Padlet facility for gathering real-time input. Although there were some excellent examples and ideas, we were limited with time for this exercise.

You can view the responses provided here.


Related blogs

UKFIET has previously featured several blogs written as a response to the GEEAP ‘Cost Effective Approaches to Improve Global Learning’ report, published in October 2020. These can be found here: