The challenges of funding education to achieve SDG4

Alice Albright, Global Partnership for Education

Globally we face a learning crisis… 130million children can barely read or write, even though they are attending primary school. Without immediate action, without education, people will not be equipped to work and thrive in the 21st century. Hundreds of millions of children will be left behind. As a result, we are all less well off. “We all have a responsibility to invest in education”.

We are not investing enough in education (investment is still lower now than in 2010). We need to increase financing to invest in provision of education, and strengthen investment in education systems to bring about sustainable change.

For innovation, “we need to invest in new ideas with new partners, recognising that business as usual won’t work”. We need to support governments to strengthen their education systems and use robust data to help them to understand and use data to support policy development.


See the report on Crain Soudien’s speech in the first part of the Opening Plenary