New Imperatives for Education, Teaching and Learning :
A Sub-theme at the 2013 UKFIET International Conference on Education and Development
In the nine sessions of the New Imperatives sub-theme we will be critically examining a number of issues vital to achieving post 2015 learning goals, in classrooms and other learning contexts across the globe – teacher education, early childhood experiences, becoming literate -how and in what language, and developing life skills. Questions that will be explored include:
The form of children’s early care and education experiences? How can quality provision be extended to all children?
How can teachers be best prepared to support student learning? What sorts of pedagogies are most effective? How can we move beyond the ‘slogans’ of ‘learner centred education’? What role can new technologies play in professional learning?
UKFIET Conference Preview
This is part of a series of previews introducing Symposia, Round Tables and Sub-Themes at the forthcoming 12th UKFIET International Conference on Education and Development to be held 10-12 September in Oxford, UK. Please leave your comments and questions about the Sub-theme below.
What characterises sustainable literacy interventions? How can developments in neuroscience be harnessed to models of literacy teaching?
Where and how should life skills education be part of the learning journey of students?
And threaded through all these discourses are issues of equity and disjuncture; How can we extend possibilities for all whilst recognising resource and capacity constraints? Which theoretical frameworks help to overcome disconnects between policy and practice and create a more productive dialectical relationship?
We hope you will join us in our sessions to develop and extend the thinking – do start the conversation now by sharing your comments below.