Evidence and Knowledge:
A Sub-theme at the 2013 UKFIET International Conference on Education and Development
There were so many papers for the sub-theme on Evidence and Knowledge, that we have created two streams to accommodate them all.
The stream on “Including all learners” will explore the current knowledge of how the intersecting dimensions of marginalisation influence access to quality learning opportunities, and evidence of how education systems can be made more inclusive. The sessions will cover gender equality in education, including learners with disabilities, and including other communities experiencing educational marginalisation, such as minority languages speakers, pastoralists and those living in informal settlements.
UKFIET Conference Preview
This is part of a series of previews introducing Symposia, Round Tables and Sub-Themes at the forthcoming 12th UKFIET International Conference on Education and Development to be held 10-12 September in Oxford, UK. Please leave your comments and questions about the Sub-theme below.
The second stream under this sub-theme explores issues “Beyond access”, and looks at evidence and knowledge around how governments and the international development community can go beyond the current MDGs; looking at learning outcomes, teachers and governance. This stream also includes papers considering the role of the non-state sector in education provision.
The overall Evidence and Knowledge sub-theme includes papers from some of the countries with the highest numbers of out of school children- including Nigeria, India and Ethiopia. It also includes evidence from a wide range of other countries such as Cyprus, Vietnam, Guatemala and Mauritius.
We welcome you to join us for this wealth of presentations throughout the conference and look forward to your initial comments here on the CoP.