The things we’ve learned about collecting inclusive data

The things we’ve learned about collecting inclusive data


28 Jan 2021    
02:00 pm UTC

Event Type


This webinar will bring together a panel of experts to discuss inclusive data and the successes and challenges of collecting it.

Development Initiatives, HelpAge International, Sightsavers and UN Women have been collecting and using inclusive data for several years. We are pleased to invite you to a webinar where we’ll discuss our experiences of what has and has not worked; how we have built on that; and how we can use this learning to strengthen knowledge and practice on inclusive data.

The global lack of comparable data on persons with disabilities, older people, women, girls and other marginalised groups is a critical development issue. Without robust data it is not possible to adequately plan for and allocate the resources necessary to ensure that programmes and services achieve their objectives and reach the intended population groups.

This session will focus on some of the successes and challenges we’ve faced in collecting inclusive data and how we have built on our learnings. We will share practical tips to strengthen others’ work on inclusive data in a series of presentations, and the event will conclude with a Q&A session.


  • Moderator Dominic Haslam, Director of Policy and Programme Strategy, Sightsavers
  • Alex Goldsworthy, Humanitarian Programme Officer, HelpAge International
  • Claudia Wells, Director of Data Use, Development Initiatives
  • Papa Seck, Chief Statistician and Chief, Research and Data Section, UN Women
  • Munazza Gillani, Country Director, Sightsavers, Pakistan

We hope you can join us for what is set to be an engaging and informative discussion!

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