Decolonising refugee education research: A political economy of knowledge production

Decolonising refugee education research: A political economy of knowledge production


28 Nov 2023    

Event Type


Tuesday 28 November 2023, 13:00-14:00 GMT

With the Global Refugee Forum coming up in December 2023, the REAL Centre is pleased to announce a seminar series for this term focusing largely on education in emergencies, and the rights and experiences of those affected by crises. Details of the full series here.

Decolonising refugee education research: A political economy of knowledge production

Professor Maha Shuayb, British Academy Bilateral Chair in Conflict and Director of Centre for Lebanese Studies


The landscape of knowledge production within the forced migration domain bears historical imprints of colonial legacies, reminiscent of coloniser-colonised dynamics. Most research endeavours do not foster cross-dialogue between the global south and global north.

Employing a political economy framework, a new paper from Professor Shuayb, in collaboration with Professor Cathrine Brun and Cyrine Saab, analyses facets such as power dynamics, economic interests, ideological influences, access to knowledge, and global imbalances that perpetuate the North-South divide in forced migration research, specifically focusing on research on education for refugees.

This presentation discusses what consequences the insights from the analysis and a political economy approach might have for current calls for decolonising refugee education research.

All REAL Centre seminars are in-person events with the option to join online.

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