Call for Papers – Journal on Education in Emergencies

Submission deadline: 15 April 2024

More information here

The Journal on Education in Emergencies (JEiE) seeks research articles and field notes that draw on and advance existing knowledge on EiE and build novel evidence that addresses educational challenges in humanitarian and/or development settings. JEiE welcomes both theoretical and empirical research articles that address a broad range of EiE topics, including education and conflict/fragility, education and political violence, conflict sensitive-education, attacks on education, education for peacebuilding, peace education, conflict mitigation and reduction, resilience, transitions from emergency to recovery/post-conflict to development, forced migration and displacement, and natural disasters, among many other possible cross-cutting themes.

If helpful, authors are invited to submit a 200-word abstract by 18 March 2024, for brief comment from the JEiE Editorial Office regarding their manuscript’s suitability for inclusion. Submission of an abstract by this date is optional and at the author’s discretion. Submissions are reviewed on a rolling basis.