BAICE Early Career Conference: Call for Submissions

Poster advertising call for proposals for BAICE  Early Career Conference 20 - 21 July  Global Crises, continutities, and Change: Imagining Educational responses in an (un)certain world

The call for participation is now open for The British Association for International and Comparative Education (BAICE) third annual early career conference. The Student Committee warmly welcomes your submissions to the 2024 Annual Early Career Conference, ‘Global Crises, Continuities, and Change: Imagining Educational Responses in an (Un)certain World’. The free conference will be held over two days, Saturday 20-Sunday 21 July 2024 and hosted online via Zoom.

The deadline for proposal submission is 31 May 2024, 12 midnight (BST).

BAICE invites submissions from postgraduate students, researchers and practitioners engaged with education research. The conference offers a dynamic and friendly environment to showcase and discuss your research, even if the research is still in its early stages. Attendees will be able to listen to colleagues from different areas of the Education Studies field; those presenting will be able to receive feedback in a diverse, constructive, and academically rigorous environment.

Please submit your 300-word proposal (excluding references) via this link: (if the link is not clickable, kindly copy-paste it to the address bar of your web browser)

Submission formats:

  • Presentations: A 10-minute presentation with a clear introduction, method, results, discussion and impact followed by a 5-minute Q&A with the audience.
  • Conversations: A 10-minute discussion of the research project summary, followed by a 5-minute discussion with the audience (PowerPoints not necessary).
  • Storytelling: A 10-minute storytelling session using mainly pictures/postcards/drawings to narrate the project, followed by a 5-minute discussion with the audience.
  • Posters: Digital posters specifying the project introduction, method, results, discussion, and impact. Each poster will be allotted a total of 10 minutes, including display, presentation, and Q&A.

For any questions relating to the event, please email