Call for Papers: PEER Network symposium on Supporting and Learning from Universities in Times of Conflict

Deadline: 28 April

Supporting and Learning from Universities in Times of Conflict:

Towards Resilience and Resistance in Higher Education

University of Sussex, 6 – 7 July 2023

Institute of Development Studies, Library Road, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9RE

Having been neglected for many years in research, policy and practice, there is an emerging realisation that the economic and political abandonment of universities in times of conflict not only degrades national capacities and blights potential for economic recovery, but also forecloses the rebuilding of critical spaces where young people can encounter and contest different ideas, ideologies and identities in the aftermath of war.

Call for papers

This Symposium asks what does it mean to support and learn from universities, academics and students in times of conflict? The papers will be loosely grouped according to the following themes:

  1. Academic isolation and transnational solidarities
  2. The politics of international aid to higher education in times of conflict
  3. Universities as spaces of resilience and resistance
  4. Universities, conflict and rebuilding publics

We particularly welcome contributions from academics and students living and working in contexts of conflict, refugee students and scholars in exile, universities in exile, transnational academic networks, solidarity movements and inter-university partnerships. Depending on the scope of the papers, we intend to publish a special issue of the journal of Globalisation, Societies and Education.

Please send your paper title, an abstract (maximum 500 words) and a short biography to Helen Murray. The deadline for paper submissions is 28 April 2023. There is a small travel fund available to subsidise expenses for selected speakers coming from overseas. If you would like to apply for the travel fund, you should include this with your submission.

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