Call for abstracts – International Conference on Education Research for Development in Africa

Deadline: Friday 14 April

More information here.

The Organising Committee of the International Conference on Education Research for Development in Africa (ICERDA) is calling for abstract submissions. The conference will be held 19-21 September at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana.

To present your research at the conference, please submit an abstract for peer review. After your abstract has been accepted and registration fees paid, your place at the conference will be confirmed. If you require financial assistance to present at the conference, please look out for a bursary scheme being set up to offer support towards travel and accommodation.

Abstract of papers describing original work are invited in any of the Sub-themes. There is also the option for poster presentations. The best abstracts will be selected for the maiden journal of the conference.

Key Deadlines:

  • Submission of Abstracts: Friday, 14th April 2023
  • Final Notification of Acceptance: Friday, 19th May 2023
  • Presenters/Early Bird Registration: Friday, 30th June 2023
  • Submission of Power Point Presentation: Friday, 1st September 2023

For abstract submission, please provide:

  1. Title of the paper. This should indicate what the paper is about.
  2. Name, email address, title and institution/organisation of each author.
  3. Name of the Sub-theme to which you are submitting.
  4. Key words between 3 and 5 written beneath the abstract.
  5. Word count (not exceeding 300 words).