Call for submissions: Inclusive and Sustainable Promising Practices in Refugee Education (InSPPiRE)

Deadline: 31 January 2023

Inclusive and Sustainable Promising Practices in Refugee Education (InSPPiRE) is a project that aims to facilitate learning on refugee education in high-income settings and inform policy and practice. It seeks to do this by identifying promising practice case studies in a range of high-income countries, synthesising and amplifying learnings from them.

InSPPiRE is led by Refugee Education UK (REUK) in partnership with a steering group of refugee education academics and practitioners from REACH at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Qatar Foundation International, Save the Children, Sirius, UNHCR and the University of Nottingham. This project has been made possible by the generous funding from Qatar Foundation International. The project builds on a 2017 project called Promising Practices in Refugee Education (PPiRE), which focused on LMICs and was co-led by Save the Children, UNHCR and Pearson.

Practically, this project will use case studies in two ways:

  • Firstly, learnings from case studies will be presented in a synthesis report. This report will be shared widely with refugee education policy and practice decision-makers, stakeholders and practitioners.
  • Secondly, an online compendium of case studies where the full extent of learning from initiatives will be made available. This will be available to practitioners seeking to learn in detail about existing initiatives and the events, processes, relationships and experiences behind them.

Initiatives that have their case study included by InSPPiRE will have the opportunity to share their practice widely across the refugee education sector and to positively influence the provision of quality education to refugee children resettled to or reaching HICs.

The call for submissions is now open with a deadline of 31 Jan 2023. The first step is to complete a questionnaire (offline version available here) by the deadline which will provide InSPPiRE researchers with some core information about your initiative, enabling them to review it in line with the promising practice criteria detailed on page 11 of the InSPPiRE Call for Case Studies document.

If your case study is selected for inclusion in InSPPiRE, researchers from REUK will be in touch to discuss next steps towards the end of February.