Call for Papers – BAICE Conference

We warmly welcome the submission of abstracts for the BAICE 2022 conference. The conference will be held at the University of Edinburgh between Tuesday 13th and Thursday 15th September. The conference theme is ‘Partnerships in Education: collaboration, co-operation, co-optation‘, and there are six sub-themes focusing on different aspects of this.

A note about our plans for BAICE 2022

We are excited to announce our first in-person conference since before the pandemic. This year we are aiming to gather at the University of Edinburgh. We see this as a tremendous opportunity to come together once more as a community.

We recognise that fully-hybrid conferences are the most accessible, however we are unable to offer a fully-hybrid conference while also maintaining our commitment to and reputation for accessibility through comparatively low registration fees. Therefore, in addition to the primarily in-person format, we will have a core of virtual activities which will be free-of-charge to members of our community who are unable to travel to the conference. This will include access to our keynote speeches. We are also considering a strand of online conference activity available for a reduced cost where some sessions can be presented virtually, but we will have a very limited capacity for this within the restrictions of the venue and budget. Please indicate on your abstract submission if you would like to be considered for this virtual strand. If circumstances change and we are unable to host the conference in-person, we will move to a fully-online model.

For many who are able to travel to Edinburgh, BAICE 2022 will be the first time meeting old and new colleagues and friends in over two years. We want to maximise the potential of this togetherness. While being conscious of social distancing and safety, the committee aim to host a conference with a core focus on time and spaces for collective learning, collegiality and congeniality.

Invitation to participate

We invite submissions for individual papers, symposia, workshops and posters/exhibitions – and we also have some spaces in the programme set aside for more creative sessions that you would like to propose that might not fit formal expectations of academic conference submissions. All submissions will undergo double-blind peer review by the conference committee.

Please submit your abstract or proposal by midnight on

Considering the recent UCU strike action, we have decided to extend the deadline for abstract submission. The new deadline is Tuesday 19th April 2022, 5 pm.   

Decisions will be announced at the end of April

More information here