Call for Expressions of Interest 2023 GEM Report on technology

Deadline: 28 January 2022

Since 2002, the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report, an editorially independent publication hosted and published by UNESCO, has been the tool of the international community for monitoring progress towards the international education goals.

Each year the report covers a specific theme deemed critical to global education progress, for which it commissions about 30 background research papers. On December 17, we launched a call for expressions of interest to contribute research to the 2023 GEM Report on technology.

As described in the concept note, the 2023 GEM Report will examine 9 thematic areas, organized under 2 main questions, across all levels of education, from early childhood to adulthood:

  • What education problems can technology address?
  • What conditions need to be met for technology to support education?

Individuals and organizations are invited to submit an expression of interest to contribute a background paper to the 2023 GEM Report. There are two parts to the call. You may propose a paper:

  • on one of 16 topics identified by the Report team; and/or
  • on any other topic you would like to propose that fits the concept note

To take part, please follow the guidelines and send us a maximum 3-page technical proposal describing the methodology (and data, if relevant), geographical scope, timeline, workplan and budget.

Please send your expression of interest in English or French by Friday 28 January 2022 (midnight Central European time) along with the requested attachments in one PDF file to, using the subject line EOI 2023 GEM Report + theme(s). Please also specify in your proposal if you are applying as an individual or an entity.

Any requests for additional information should be addressed in writing by 14 January 2022 at the latest to