Call for Submissions from African innovators: Harnessing the Capacity of ICT to ensure Inclusion, Quality and Impact in Education and Training in Africa

African Union Innovating Education in Africa Expo 2019

Deadline for Submissions: 30th April 2019

  1. Background

Education and training remain the bedrock for human empowerment, inclusive prosperity and progressive development. However, this education has to be accessed by all, under all circumstances, including refugees and displaced persons; it must be of highest possible quality, included well equipped and motivated teachers; and must be aligned to continental aspirations and expectations as articulated in Agenda 2063.

There is need to innovate education development, provision and delivery, taking advantage of the digital revolution. As the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA) states, ICT is a major tool for ensuring universal access, quality of provision and delivery, and empowerment of school graduates for meaningful personal lives, and contribution to social economic development. ICT opens up possibilities for innovation, entrepreneurship and employability; flexibility in pedagogies; beating the limitation of time and space for varied learner needs; and simply enhancing confidence and dignity of graduates at all levels.

It is evident that numerous innovations exist where ICTs are being used to ensure access, quality, learning processes and outcomes, as well as education management and organization. It is essential that we identify these innovations and show-case them in a way that celebrates and encourages the innovators, while making the innovations visible and accessible to all Member States for replication and adoption.

This Call is therefore for African innovators to submit their relevant ICT-based education innovations that are being successfully applied in African education systems. The innovator may be an individual or an organization, including government, non-government and for-profit agencies.

  1. Submission Guidelines

2.1 Language of Submissions

Submissions must be made online, in English or French languages only.

2.2 Types of Submissions

Submissions must be either a practical innovation, or an academic paper. The submission must be organized as follows:

  1. For Practical Innovations:

Provide a summary description of the innovation, stating the problem it addresses, the unique outcomes that have been achieved, and the possibility of enlarging the scale of operation. Explain briefly how the innovation can be up-scaled, replicated and sustained. Use a maximum of 500 words. The Innovation must not have been submitted for the African Union’s Innovating Education in Africa Expo before.

  1. For Academic Papers:

Papers should present original quality research with the potential for practical application. Submit a succinct Abstract of no more than 150 words; and a paper with a maximum of 1,000 words including references.

2.3 Eligibility Criteria

The organizing committee of the Innovating Education in Africa Expo therefore invites submissions that meet the following criteria:

  • The Innovation should be in the use of Information and Communication Technology(ICT)in Education;
  • You should not have been previously awarded the AU Education Innovation Prize;
  • The individual submitting on his/her own behalf or on behalf of an organization must be a citizen of an AU Member State;
  • The submission must be made by the original author or developer of the innovation; or a staff of the organisation that developed the innovation;
  • The innovation must have demonstrated impact, with potential for wide dissemination in Africa;
  • The individual or organization submitting must consent to having their innovation publicised across the continent for purposes of replication;
  • Each individual or organization must submit only one innovation.
  1. Submission Procedure and Deadline

Please submit your innovation in a specified format at the link:

Deadline for submissions is 30th April 2019, 23:59 (GMT+3). Early submissions are encouraged.

  1. Benefits for successful applicants:

Submissions will be rated according to their quality, impact and potential for widespread application.

The selected innovations will benefit as follows:

  • Presentation of their innovations at the Innovating Education in Africa Expo2019.
  • Funding support to participate in the event.
  • A chance to receive the AU Education Innovation Prize.
  • Publication of the innovations in the Africa Education Innovations Handbook 2019.
  • Membership of the Africa Education Innovators Network (AEIN)
  • Certificate of recognition for Innovation

Please send any enquiries concerning this call to