Promising Practices in Refugee Education – 3 Webinars

Over 3.5 million refugee children around the world are out of school. Refugee children, and their parents, frequently cite education as one of their main priorities. They see schooling as a source of hope and opportunity, and they are right.

Drawing on real life situations through 18 case studies from more than 10 countries, the Promising Practices in Refugee Education initiative – a partnership of Save the Children, UNHCR & Pearson – set out to identify, document, and promote innovative ways to effectively reach refugee children and young people with quality educational opportunities.

These projects have been used to identify ten recommendations, grouped under three overarching pillars, aimed at improving refugee education policy and practice.

Join representatives from the case studies in 3 webinars as we explore the themes and recommendations in depth.

Webinar 1: Approaching the immediate crisis with a long-term perspective

Thursday 30th November, 16:00-17:00 GMT

With speakers from

  • iACT
  • Save the Children US
  • Vodafone Foundation

Webinar 2: Understanding different contexts and meeting distinct needs

Tuesday 5th December, 14:00-15:00 GMT

With speakers from

  • Windle Trust Kenya
  • Relief International
  • Save the Children Serbia

Webinar 3: Improving outcomes for all

Thursday 7th December, 16:00-17:00 GMT

With speakers from

  • Libraries Without Borders
  • International Rescue Committee & Global TIES for Children at New York University
  • Teachers for Teachers
  • Save the Children US

Read the new blog A Socio-Technical Approach to Refugee Education from Negin Dahya, Assistant Professor, University of Washington Information School.